
The Facts Regarding Rail Trail Contamination – Lots of Hype But Not Much There

The health effects and potential liability associated with “rail trail contamination” is often cited as a reason to not convert the abandoned MBTA rail bed that traverses Dover into a mixed-use recreational trail referred to as “The Dover Greenway”. As three registered Massachusetts Licensed Site Professionals (“LSPs”) with more than 75 years of combined experience…


How Many People Will Use the Dover Greenway?

We have done the research and this infographic illustrates the traffic we expect on the Dover Greenway, if completed based on the FDGs recommendations. You can click here to review the reference that is noted at the bottom of the image.


The Dover Greenway is an Environmental Plus!

Three Dover residents, who are LSPs (Licensed Site Professionals), took it upon themselves to assess the current Dover Greenway proposal and provide feedback on voiced environmental concerns. This letter is their assessment…   Citizens of Dover are currently considering a proposal to convert the abandoned MBTA rail bed that traverses Dover into a mixed-use recreational trail,…