Get the REAL facts on Article 18


At the May 2, 2016 Town Meeting, citizens of Dover will be asked to vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into a lease to acquire rights to develop the abandoned rail bed that runs through our town, with the rail bed then being converted into a rail trail, or “Greenway.”

These FAQs are designed to get you the facts related to this proposal. Fortunately, there are literally thousands of pages of data available to answer questions, including hundreds and hundreds of pages specific to Dover, and these FAQs seek to condense that data for you. Including:

Updated FAQ Page
The Friends of the Dover Greenway Introductory Video

The independently executed Beals & Thomas Feasibility Study
Dover Rail Trail Committee report 2014

If you have additional questions or would like to learn more, the Friends of the Dover Greenway will happily help you and can be reached at